OrthoStat Walk-in Clinic | Fort Wayne Orthopedics

Facemasks are no longer required in our clinics. However, if you prefer your caregivers wear a mask please let us know and we will be happy to!

If you have COVID symptoms or recent exposure, please call 260-436-8686 to make alternate arrangements to be seen. COVID 19 Safety Plan

You don't plan on getting an injury.

Why should you plan ahead to care for one?

At OrthoStat, you don’t have to. Whether you get hurt on the job or on the field, or if you’re experiencing sudden, localized pain, we fix the unexpected. Our walk-in clinics provide emergency access to a full range of diagnostic, non-surgical and surgical treatments. And the best part is, there’s never an appointment or referral needed. So you can get in, get out and get going again.

OrthoStat is recognized by Anthem and other insurance plans as an alternative to the ER.

Open 7AM - 7PM, Monday - Saturday

Hours vary by location

(260) 434-BONE

No appointment needed.

C. Warsaw

701 Orthopedic Dr., Warsaw, IN 46582
(Next to DePuy on Hwy 30)
Tuesday 7AM - 7PM
Wednesday 7AM - 7PM
Thursday 7AM - 7PM
Friday 7AM - 7PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 7AM - 7PM
(800) 566-5659

D. Auburn

820 Smaltz Way, Auburn, IN 46706
Tuesday 7AM - 7PM
Wednesday 7AM - 7PM
Thursday 7AM - 7PM
Friday 7AM - 7PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 7AM - 7PM
(800) 566-5659
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When should you come to OrthoStat?

That's a no sprainer.

OrthoStat walk-in clinics are uniquely equipped to deliver immediate, specialized care to meet most orthopedic emergencies. What exactly is an “orthopedic emergency?” If you experience any of the following, OrthoStat should be your first choice:

  • Broken bones
  • Dislocations
  • Sports injuries
  • Sprains and strains
  • Joint and tendon pain
  • Foot and ankle problems
  • Sudden, acute neck and back pain
  • Nerve pain
  • Work injuries

Unfortunately, there are a few times that OrthoStat’s specialized approach prevents us from providing the care you need. If you experience any of the following, the OrthoStat team would be glad to direct you to the best alternative:

  • Non-orthopedic medical problems
  • Chronic, ongoing orthopedic problems
    (For chronic issues, please call the FWO office to schedule a routine appointment.)
  • Chronic or long-term pain
  • Pain management

Note: Any patient under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs will not be treated at OrthoStat.