Locations | Fort Wayne Orthopedics

Facemasks are no longer required in our clinics. However, if you prefer your caregivers wear a mask please let us know and we will be happy to!

If you have COVID symptoms or recent exposure, please call 260-436-8686 to make alternate arrangements to be seen. COVID 19 Safety Plan

We’re here for you.

No matter where life takes you, professional FWO expertise is right around the corner. We have clinics throughout the region, including several OrthoStat walk-in clinics for urgent pain and injuries.

(800) 566-5659
(260) 436-8686

Includes OrthoStat Walk-in Clinic

C. Fort Wayne, Downtown

217 W. Wayne St., Fort Wayne, IN 46802
Tuesday 7AM - 1PM
Wednesday 7AM - 1PM
Thursday 7AM - 1PM
Friday 7AM - 1PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 7AM - 1PM
(800) 566-5659

D. Warsaw

701 Orthopedic Dr., Warsaw, IN 46582
(Next to DePuy on Hwy 30)
Tuesday 7AM - 7PM
Wednesday 7AM - 7PM
Thursday 7AM - 7PM
Friday 7AM - 7PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 7AM - 7PM
(800) 566-5659

E. Angola

306 E. Maumee St. Suite 304 Angola, IN 46703
(Inside the Cameron Medical Office Building)
(800) 566-5659

F. Auburn

820 Smaltz Way, Auburn, IN 46706
Tuesday 7AM - 7PM
Wednesday 7AM - 7PM
Thursday 7AM - 7PM
Friday 7AM - 7PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 7AM - 7PM
(800) 566-5659

G. Bluffton

Bluffton Regional Medical Center, 303 S. Main St., Suite 404 A, Bluffton, IN 46714
(located on fourth floor)
(800) 566-5659

I. North Manchester

Walnut St. Family Healthcare, 605 N. Walnut St., North Manchester, IN 46962
(800) 566-5659

J. Paulding

1032 W. Wayne St., Paulding, OH 45879
(800) 566-5659

K. Rochester

Rochester Orthopedics Fulton County Specialty Clinic, 700 Main St., Rochester, IN 46975
(800) 566-5659

L. Rochester

Shafer Medical Building, 1430 E. Ninth Street , Rochester, IN 46975
(800) 566-5659

M. Topeka

Dr. John Elgi's Office, 315 Lehman Dr., Topeka, IN 46571
(800) 566-5659

Surgery Centers

To help you get home and start healing faster, our physicians perform inpatient and outpatient procedures at several regional medical facilities.

Bluffton Regional Medical Center
Cameron Memorial Hospital
Parkview DeKalb Health
Dupont Hospital
IU Health ASC
Kosciusko Community Hospital
Lutheran Downtown
Lutheran Hospital
Parkview Premier Surgery Center
Parkview Regional Medical Center
Paulding County Hospital
The Orthopedic Hospital in Fort Wayne
The Orthopedic Hospital in Auburn
The Surgery Center of Fort Wayne
Woodlawn Hospital